Kentucky Severe Weather Awareness Week 2025: March 1st To March 7th

*** UPDATE ***

Due to weather concerns Wednesday and in close collaboration with Kentucky Emergency Management, the Kentucky State Tornado Drill has been rescheduled to Friday, March 7th at 10:07 EST / 9:07 CST.

(Mike Kochasic, Warning Coordination Meteorologist – National Weather Service)


Kentucky Severe Weather Awareness Week this year is from Saturday March 1st to Friday, March 7th. 

As part of Severe Weather Awareness Week in Kentucky, we will conduct the Statewide Tornado Drill on Wednesday, March 5, at 10:07 AM ET (9:07 AM CT). This year, we will again be using live event codes, meaning the message will go over as a Tornado Warning (with lots of TEST wording) and will activate the EAS, but not the WEA. We hope that the EAS activation will increase participation, and we are notifying 3rd-party vendors ahead of time to help avoid confusion. If there is a threat of severe weather at the scheduled time, we will postpone the drill to a fair weather day.

(Mike Kochasic, Warning Coordination Meteorologist – National Weather Service)